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GL Pools Pool Mastic Repair

by the Pool Service & Repair Experts at GL Pools

Swimming pools naturally have many essential components. And regularly checking in and maintaining your pool is vital for its health and longevity. One such component is the mastic joint (oftentimes referred to by the brand Deck-O-Seal), located between the pool’s concrete decking and the coping/bonding beam. Not only is it imperative that this joint is properly installed, but occasional pool mastic repair is also essential to keep it in tip-top shape. Only that will isolate concrete deck movement from the coping/bond beam assembly. Moreover, the mastic joint provides space to allow for the expansion and contraction of concrete during periods of temperature change.

But what happens when your mastic joint is damaged or missing altogether? Well, without a flexible mastic joint between the swimming pool decking and the pool coping, any movement caused by pool deck concrete expansion and contraction amid temperature change can be problematic. It can cause:

  • Dislodged coping
  • Tile cracking along the waterline
  • Difficulty with pool operation

San Diego Pool Repair and Deck O Seal Installation

When it comes to proper mastic replacement or pool mastic repair, the mastic must extend the complete depth of your concrete decking. Only that guarantees there’s no pressure on any portion of the coping or pool structure, preventing cracks from forming in the tile. Because of this fact, it’s essential to monitor how much deck movement occurs on your property. From the presence of tree roots to shifts within the Earth, your property likely requires Deck O Seal repair (a popular brand of mastic) at least every 3-5 years until an entire replacement is performed.

Naturally, mitigating circumstances can impact your swimming pool and whether you should perform a mastic replacement. For instance, if you’ve pinpointed the cause behind your pool’s concrete deck movement (tree roots, etc.), it is often wiser to eliminate that problem first and then perform the pool mastic repair or replacement.

Pool Mastic Repair and San Diego Pool Repair at GL Pools

The entire pool mastic repair process typically takes two talented technicians a full day of work. And the process is as follows:

  1. Our technicians will scrape out any old mastic
  2. Next, they take the time to clean the edge of the concrete
  3. This is followed up by the placement of sand along the bottom of the mastic joint, providing a flat surface
  4. Now, the new mastic is carefully applied
  5. Our techs will then cure the mastic and place sand on top to promote a rough surface that doesn’t collect leaves and other natural elements.

The process itself is straightforward, and the result not only looks good but it also prevents unwanted damage. And whether you’re looking to get Deck O Seal repair or have any other tried and true mastic – we’ve got you covered with swimming pool maintenance plans that guarantee your satisfaction for years to come.

Contact GL Pools for San Diego Pool Repair Information on Pool Mastic Repair

Whether your mastic joint is already monitored regularly through a San Diego pool service, or this is the first you’re hearing about its importance, our experts have you covered with the info you need to keep your pool running in tip-top shape. And if you’ve recently noticed any problems with your mastic or you’re not sure what to be looking for, we’re here to help. Contact us today if you’d like more information or are interested in dependable San Diego pool repair services. Either way, we’ve got the answers and the expert team you need to ensure your pool is ready for use year-round.

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